Training on Environmental Campaigning in 10 Steps

The training on “Environmental campaigning in 10 steps” for MGM members was conducted at the Fresh Water Center (FWC) on 13-15 Feb, 2023.  The 25 participants came from FWC itself, Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSS), Zoological Society London (ZSL), Khan Khenti Special Protected Area (KKSPA), People-centered Conservation (PCC), Ecological Education Center, Mongolian Council of Environmental NGOs and a representative of the Mongolian Journalism Association. The training workshop was facilitated by Manfred Oepen, ACT Assist and Narangerel Yansanjav, PCC.  The training was initiated by FWC, implemented as part of the MGM campaign, and financed by the GIZ SPACES project. 

The training on “Environmental Campaigning in 10 steps” for MGM members was conducted at the Fresh Water Center (FWC) on 13-15 Feb, 2023.  The 25 participants came from FWC itself, Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSS), Zoological Society London (ZSL), Khan Khenti Special Protected Area (KKSPA), People-centered Conservation (PCC), Ecological Education Center, Mongolian Council of Environmental NGOs and a representative of the Mongolian Journalism Association. The training workshop was facilitated by Manfred Oepen, ACT Assist and Narangerel Yansanjav, PCC.  The training was initiated by FWC, implemented as part of the MGM campaign, and financed by the GIZ SPACES project.

On Day 1, participants brainstormed the question “What elements do you need when planning and implemen­ting a media campaign?”  They came up with a list similar to the 10 Steps of environmental education and communication (EEC) developed by GIZ and used by environmental organizations worldwide. The latter were thoroughly presented one by one by the trainer using real life examples.