MGM Stakeholder Meeting

MGM quarterly stakeholder meeting was held at the Corporate Hotel on August 28, 2023. MGM organizations ZSL, NU-Ecological Education Center, Ecological Police, HSS, Sonos Media and PCC attended the meeting.  The key outcomes of the meeting was to secure the MGM website by  asking the SPACES project to support the domain name and host fee till 2027. Alternatively, MGM member organizations like PCC, ZSL and HSS expressed their willingness to pay the annual fee. Stakeholders can take turns annually regarding this responsibility. The current server with Tom Amjilt company needs to be reviewed in terms of sustainability and reliability. If necessary, a robust and reliable server company such as Datacom or Magic Net needs to be found.

In order to continue MGM as a national campaign the following activities will be implemented in the near future:

§  Promote MGM and its products and partners, attend any kind of national level events and activities related to conservation and EEC.

§  Promote MGM activities and its products via both social and mass media using members and partner organizations reach out channels; social media, website, twitter etc.

§  Develop TV content and production on EEC for public under MGM campaign.

§  Work closely with TV channels to broadcast the products – free of charge if possible, as most TV stations lack interesting and useful content these days, which MGM can provide.

§  Conduct regular stakeholder meeting of MGM at least once in a three month, to evaluate, plan, and share responsibilities among the partners.

§  Develop joint project proposal under MGM to continue activities and develop more media products to reach out to the public.

§  Develop a mid- and long-term strategy to broaden MGM interventions at the national and international level by continuing capacity building activities for member organizations. For example, after the campaign and theatre trainings conducted this year, successful project proposals were developed by joint ventures among MGM members to carry out EEC campaigns

§  Therefore, a short training on how to write and structure successful proposals to raise funds for EEC activities/campaign by MGM members should be conducted. 

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