Climate Change Workshop in the Khomiin Tal Protected Area

A 2-day workshop entitled “Integrating Climate change issues into Protected Area Management Plans” was organized in Khomiin Tal, Zavkhan aimag, Durvuljin soum on 30 Sept and 1 Oct, 2023, which is renowned for its wild horses (Thaki). 

Participants of the workshop included PA staff and rangers from the western cluster, the aimag-level Environmental and Tourism Department, and River Basin Authorities. The workshop was financed by the GIZ SPACES project, collaboratively organized by MGM campaign partners and initiated by Khomiin Taliin Takhi (KTT), a national NGO and partner of MGM). People Centered Conservation (PCC), another MGM partner, facilitated the event.  

The workshop participants were inspired by presenters and advisors such as Dr. Batjargal, Dr. Davaa and Dr. Gombolkhuudev.  Both presenters and the participants discussed about climate change issues in the western part of Mongolia and how adaptation measures could effectively and efficiently be integrated into PAs management plans.  One of the key outcomes was to increase the collaboration among PAs and River Basin Authorities and to review and use the studies and reports on climate change already developed by different agencies, scientific organizations and projects. 

By the end of the workshop the participants enjoyed sightseeing in and around the Khomiin Tal PA, watched wild horses and tasted wild seabucktorn fruit right from the bushes near Zavkhan river. 

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Climate Change Workshop in the Khomiin Tal Protected Area