Animated Videos on Wildfire Prevention and Forest Thinning launched

The STREAM project implemented by GIZ and FAO as part of the SPACES project has launched two forest-related video clips and comics. Both productions are based on the characters and story lines of the 26-episode radio drama series supported by SPACES and broadcast since late 2023.

The 3:37 min animated video on wildfire prevention explains in an entertaining and informative way what causes wildfires and how to prevent them. The highest risk of forest wildfires in Mongolia occurs during the dry season from 20 March to 10 June and from 20 September to 10 November each year. Most forest fires are caused by human activities, for instance an unextinguished camp fire, a burning cigarette or a glass bottle thrown away carelessly. Such fires cause great damage to the country’s economy and environment by destroying timber, non-timber forest products, pastureland and endangered medicinal plants.

Another 5:07 min video focuses on forest thinning as an element in sustainable forest management (SFM). This is a new technique to make the forest stronger and grow faster but is hardly practiced in Mongolia. As trees compete for light, nutrients and water, dead or weak trees are removed so that more favorable trees can grow healthily bigger and faster. Pest outbreaks or forest fires are avoided so that this makes forests more productive and better adapt to  climate change. After forest thinning, the locals benefit as they get firewood, logs for fences, and other carpentry materials.

The videos are co-financed by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and its broadcast is supported by the My Green Mongolia campaign and its media. In addition, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism helped by asking MNB, EAGLE, TV8, NTV and Malchin TV to broadcast the videos during peak hours at least 5 times a day during dry seasons. 

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